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More Annexation Buzz


February 6, 2024

Reporter B1

Idaho Falls Planning Commission

1.      Approved- final plat MLV Industrial Park- generally located north of W Sunnyside Rd, east of McNeil Drive, south of W 25th E, west of Rollandet Avenue.

2.      Approved- final plat Snake River Landing Division 3- generally located north of Pier View Drive, east of Bluff Street, south of the Porter Canal, west of Snake River Parkway.


Public hearings:

1.      Approved- Annexation/Initial Zoning- Initial zoning of public.approx. 1.791 acres generally located North of W 65th S, east of Columbia Street, south of Cold Springs Drive, west of S Holmes Ave

2.      Approved 4-2-Annexation/Initial Zoning- annexation with an initial zoning of R2, Mixed Residential and R3A. There was much discussion on this property. There were at least 8 homeowners who testified opposing the zoning of the property. Their concern was the traffic impact. There were also questions of if the current property owner where the R3A zoning will occur if they were aware of the consequences of this classification. There was also much concern about the impact on current businesses in the area namely the equestrian center. They were requesting an R1 zoning not the R2. There was a petition presented with 130 signatures. The builder kept referring to the Idaho Falls comprehensive plan. The final approval will need to be decided by the city council.

3.      Approved 4-2- preliminary plat for the above property. There will be 87 lots with 84 being buildable. This will be 3 units per acre.

4.      Not sure if this was approved or not- the zoom of the meeting stopped. Rezone from Industrial and Manufacturing and LC Limited Commercial to LM, Light Manufacturing and Heavy Commercial- property generally located as north of W Sunnyside Road, east of McNeil Drive, south of W 25th Street, west of Rollandet Avenue.

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