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Where to Vote

Election Day

Find Your Polling Place

Q: Where do I go to vote?

A: Your Polling Place! You can also vote early at the Bonneville County Elections Office located at 497 N. Capitol from October 21st to November 1, 2024.


Q: Where is my Polling Place?

A: In your Precinct.


Q: What is a Precinct?

A: Your Precinct is an area within your county, it's your county neighborhood. Your PCO (Precinct Committee Officer) can help you get information about voting. Visit our ABOUT page to see your PCO once you know what your Precinct number is.


Q: How can I learn what my Precinct number is?

A: Click the button on the left to follow the link where you can type in your address to learn your Precinct number and find your Polling Place.


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