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Writer's picture: Bonneville ECABonneville ECA

By Curt Papke, Candidates Committee Chair

Look Closer- Decide Better

The Bonneville County Republican Central Committee (BCRCC) exists to promote the Republican Platform and to inform voters by providing accurate and complete information on political processes, candidate platforms, and voting opportunities, according to the organization’s Bylaws*.


The Candidate Committee gives all candidates on the city, county and state level, equal opportunity to answer surveys, identical to their opponents, to give voters complete and accurate information which they can use to make an informed decision. The information is posted to the BCRCC website. We thank all candidates willing to run and serve in Idaho!


The Candidates Committee compiles information using multiple data points from multiple sources, ranging from progressive to conservative institutions. The raw data is compiled and presented to the Central Committee. Once the data is reviewed, the voting members of the Central Committee have the option to make motions regarding the data. Any motion must carry a two-thirds super majority vote before any action is taken regarding candidates.


The BCRCC encourages voters to review the process, and the raw data, and make their own informed decision regarding candidates before going to the polls. The BCRCC would like to thank the many volunteers, both in and out of the Central Committee, that have spent  hundreds of hours compiling accurate information as a service to candidates and Bonneville voters.


*Related Bylaws of the BCRCC

Article 1

2. Central Committee

A. The BCRCC is the official Republican Party organization in Bonneville County.

B. The BCRCC is the governing body of the Bonneville County Republican Party.


4. Subcommittees

B. At a minimum, BCRCC subcommittees shall include standing committees for:

i. Recruitment

ii. Candidate

iii. Elections

iv. Communications

v. Finance


Article 2

1. Precinct Officer (PCO)

B. PCOs shall help implement BCRCC strategic plans to accomplish the goals of

the Bonneville County Republican Party and advance the principles of the

Republican Platform.

E. Each PCO shall encourage Republicans in his/her assigned precinct to be

registered, informed, and prepared to vote.

H. Each PCO shall keep him/herself informed of current issues and monitor the

performance of elected officials.

I. PCOs shall help voters in the relative PCO’s precinct to understand and be

aware of current issues and the performance of elected officials.


3. Central Committee (BCRCC)

A. The BCRCC shall vote on motions made by precinct officers or Subcommittees

and may debate such motions before voting.

G. The BCRCC shall recruit, vet, and recommend candidates for election (a

“Recommendation”) to government office, subject to the following:

i. No motion may be made to Recommend a candidate unless the fact that

such motion will be made is first published in the BCRCC’s official

meeting notice notifying the BCRCC members of the intended motion.

ii. To receive a Recommendation, a Candidate must receive at least a two thirds

majority vote of a quorum of the Central Committee.

iii. Candidate Recommendation voting may only be conducted by secret



6. Subcommittees

E. The BCRCC Candidate Subcommittee shall: Gather and compile comprehensive

information about candidates seeking office and/or Republican nomination.

i. Work to fully inform the party organization as well as Bonneville County

Republican voters about such candidates.

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1 Comment

May 07, 2024

Where are the data points weighted the same when considering the legislators vs the county commissioners? It seems that skills and experience may be more important than compliance to the Republican platform when choosing a county commissioner.

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