Doyle Beck, Legislative District 32 Chair, contributor

The legislative session is winding down, as evidenced by the fact that fewer committees are meeting and most of the debate is on the floor of the House and Senate. I'll draw your attention to some bills that are of interest.
Senate Bill 1147. This bill would appropriate Idaho taxpayer money to medical training programs in Utah and Washington. Unfortunately, those programs also train medical students on abortions, transgender procedures for minors, and social justice. The Senate voted for this bill despite those concerns, and the proposal is en route to the House for consideration. House Bill 71, which would prohibit transgender procedures on minors is expected to be heard on Friday in the Senate Judiciary and Rules Committee. Senate Bill 1100 would require school districts to segregate restrooms between sexes so that boys aren't using girls' restrooms and vice versa. The Idaho Freedom Foundation supports the bill and the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry opposes it. This probably sounds like something that would be introduced in Oregon or Washington, but a bill introduced in the Senate would make it illegal for a person to vape or smoke in a car with a minor present.